Signing Nov. 13
Award-winning novelist Max McCoy and former FBI agent Mark Bouton will have a signing 11 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 13 at the Town Crier in Emporia to celebrate their newest books. Max's latest is called Damnation Road ($5.99 paperback), which is the latest featuring Rough Rider Jacob Gamble. It's another exciting and savage adventure through the American southwest! Mark's latest is How to Spot Lies Like the FBI ($12.95 paperback), which will teach you how to read body language, facial expression and other tell-tale "tics" that people exhibit when they're lying. Join us from 11 a.m. to 1 pm. and visit with the authors and have your copies signed! And as always, if you can't make it, just give us a call and we'll get books signed for you! -- Thanks to Town Crier, 716 Commercial St., Emporia, Kansas.