Got home today from the university and had to do laundry. Took said laundry to the room here at the apartment complex, threw the clothes in the washer, and was on my way out when I noticed a white FedEx package on the table. I thought it was funny that somebody would leave a package in the laundry room. Curious, I looked at the label -- it was to me. Inside were two hardbound copies of the largeprint edition of A BREED APART, published by Center Point. I didn't even know those rights had been sold. My editor at Penguin, Brent Howard -- who is very sharp and likeable, by the way, and I'm not just saying that because he's my editor and I'm late with my next book -- had sent me a couple of courtesy copies. Anyway, you'd think FedEx could read the large number 7 on my apartment door and get it to the right spot, but I guess not. But the real reason I'm posting this is to show the cover, which is terrific. The cover on the Signet paperback was good as well -- it really popped. But, hat's off to whoever designed those cover over at Center Point. It's great when people care about their work, and all to often -- such as in this case -- we don't know who to thank. So, whoever you are, thanks. You did a great job.